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84804 Photos | 269 Videos | 213 Featured Models

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Welcome to Pantyhose Lane. Home of sexy and beautiful models with one thing in common; they love to wear pantyhose. We feature photos and videos of the loveliest models showing of their legs, feet, ass and pussies covered by sheer nylon and less. Softcore to hardcore!

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About Me

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On the magical day of June 9th (some decades ago), I was given birth from a beautiful Okinawan lady with a heart of pure gold and a personality that could light up the entire room.

Throughout my childhood and adolescent years, I attended American schools on the breathtaking Pacific isles of Okinawa, Japan.

As the only child to an extra ordinary Okinawan mother and a proud Hawaiian daddy, I was raised with the traditional Okinawan/Japanese heritage and beliefs as well as the westernized American values. I was taught both Japanese and English languages (or Japanglish) and was the rambunctious ruler of my neighborhood gang. I guess the only concerns my parents had were whether I would grow up to be a menace to the society or an elegant young lady. Neither! I have an adventurous heart and passion for music, love and of course MEN (come on ladies fess up).

Growing up as an ugly duckling, I never would have imagined that I would ever fulfill my admirations of becoming a model (thank you to my family, friends, photographers and web surfers for your continuing support).

At age 18, I packed my bags and flew 10,000 long miles to Norfolk, Virginia where I attended Old Dominion University. Then one exciting visit to sunny California during spring break, I fell absolutely in love with the warm climate, the ocean breeze and the friendly people of San Diego - it reminded me of home. That same summer, I packed my bags up again and moved (adventurous heart) to the left coast. After a year of attending junior college and working full time at a local plastic distributor, San Diego State University finally accepted my transfer scripts. After couple of years of fraternity and sorority parties, exams, thesis nd philanthropic events, I received my B.A. degree in International Business.

About five years ago, I decided that I was tired of selling financial programs to cheesy automobile dealerships andrepossessing cars, I decided to pack of my bags again and moved northward to Orange County. Here, I quickly climbed the corporate ladder of the hi-tech computer industry. Then one day (as some of you may know), I was dared after couple of shots of tequila to post my image on the web forum ... the rest is history.

Between juggling my ever demanding full time job as a professional computer application sales person and the exciting (dream come true) modeling career, I promise to you that I will bring excitementto you and your loved ones, praises to those hardworking photographers, and admirations for the gorgeous associates and new models. I hope you enjoy my web site and appreciate any comments all you men and women for site improvements or just to say "Konnichiwa, Hello or Aloha!"

Aloha nui loa,


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